Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

"because kindness keeps the world afloat"

watch this video and you'll see, that every little good thing you do to someone, it will come back to you. perhaps, directly, perhaps indirectly. but God never sleeps, guys, He gives in return every little thing you do. if it's good, it comes back to you in so many good things, if it's bad, it comes back to you as a bad thing too.
think positive, do positive, be nice to people, and the world loves you! <3
cheers! :)


with love,

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

hidup ini seimbang, Bung.

karena di setiap hujan, ada pelangi yang sabar menanti untuk muncul
karena di setiap air mata, ada senyum yang siap menyapa dunia
karena di setiap perpisahan, ada cerita awal baru yang pantas dituliskan
karena di setiap pengorbanan, ada hadiah yang sepadan untuk diterima

Bukankah hidup sudah begitu adil?

mengapa membenci hujan jika ingin selalu melihat pelangi setelahnya?
mengapa terus menangis jika tersenyum dapat menghapus segala?
mengapa tak bisa menerima perpisahan jika awal yang baru adalah yang lebih baik?
mengapa meminta lebih jika tak mau berkorban?

Kehidupan ini seimbang, Bung.

Darimana kau bisa berkata hidup ini tak baik?
Hidup ini indah, Bung, jika kau mau menerima sakit untuk bahagia.

n, 19.12.11

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Hello December!


This year is about to end, it's December now.

feels so fast, isn't it?

my wish list for next year?

well, things get better. I'll also be better, or at least, things won't get worse.

that's all.

em, one more, perhaps, I wish there was someone to break my rules :p

i know exactly how it feels

Trust me, I know how it feels.

I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower so no one can hear you.

Waiting for everyone to be asleep so you can fall apart.

For everything to hurt so bad you just want it all to end.

I know exactly how it feels.